SCRIPTURE: 1 Tim 3:1-15
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that only what cannot be shaken will remain (Heb 12:27).
God’s house built upon CHRIST as the foundation cannot be shaken because Jesus, the Rock of all ages is the ETERNAL foundation, the Beginning and the end. If you and I are pillars, built upon CHRIST, in God’s house, we will be safe and secure for all eternity! We will also be serving His eternal purposes.
1 Tim 3:15 …I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
1. House of GOD or Household of God - Not house of idols
It is a Spiritual house, not a physical house or building. Only those who are born again in Christ can become His children who are fitted into His house.
2. Church of the Living God
Church = the called out ones, believers who are called out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet 2:9) a people belonging to Him who is alive. We are the church of the living God!
3. Pillar and Ground of THE TRUTH
QUESTION: Share about some qualities and functions of pillars of a building.
The House of God is the pillar and ground of Truth. What does that mean to you?
Pillars are visible and absolutely necessary. If pillars are taken away, the building will collapse.
They carry loads/weights down to the foundation. They are strong and support the building which provides shelter. The bigger the building the more pillars are required. Every pillar carries the load around them.
Foundation on the other hand is not visible but an absolute necessity. Jesus Christ the Truth is our foundation on which the church is built upon.
The church needs pillars. We need to be pillars of truth in the house of God - STANDING UP FOR and BEARING WITNESS TO God’s truth so that people can see the Truth, JESUS, in us and the Gospel lived out by us. Then they can come to Jesus through us.
Pillars can be men and women. Eg. Ps 144:12 refers to daughters as pillars in the palace.
The church is the ground of Truth = a defender and protector of truth. The household of the living God must stand up to PROTECT THE TRUTH OF GOD and ensure it is not compromised.
This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.
QUESTION: What conclusion can you draw from it?
“This is a faithful saying” = YOU CAN TRUST THIS TRUTH – Jesus would say, “TRULY, TRULY, I
say to you”
“If a man” = any man
“Desires” = reach out after, long for, to stretch oneself, diligently seek to qualify oneself to serve God
Deep inward drive to equip oneself to be of greater use to God
“Position” = NOT A TITLE – it is an office to function in a work / ministry, to serve in a greater capacity
“Bishop” = 3 interchangeable words as below:-
§ Overseer – to oversee, be in charge, lead, supervise, direct
§ Pastor – shepherd, care, feed, nurture, guard, lead, direct
§ Elder – mature, exemplary, wise, experienced, to discern , to discipline
“Good work” = an excellent task
God wants to use each one of us to be an example, a servant and a leader (someone who serves and influences others towards God)
QUESTION: Do you have the desire to be a “SERVANT LEADER” in His church?
Being a leader in His house is a great privilege BUT it is also a great responsibility.
1 Tim 3:2 - A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teachIt is serving the KING OF KINGS!
Discuss the qualities mentioned.
What do you observe about these qualifications?
Do you agree that CHARACTER in a leader is much more important than SKILLS?
Blameless = above reproach, unable to find fault with, no charge should be brought against him, even if blamed will not be guilty. Note: Christians, especially leaders who are dominated by their flesh have been blamed for all kinds of things, and they have become stumbling blocks to non-believers
Husband of one wife = faithfulness for life to one’s spouse to reflect Christ’s love for the church
Temperate = vigilant, watchful, not careless, not sleepy, or blurr, “keep our head in all situations”, exercise sober sensible judgment in all things, stay cool and collected at all times, able to govern oneself at all times, self controlled, disciplined, stay sharp and perceptive at all times
Sober minded = clear mind, wise mind, spirit of power love and sound mind.
His thought life is Phil 4:8. He is not easily swayed or waver in his mind, not easily deceived or manipulated,
makes right and wise judgments.
Good behaviour = well behaved, polite, considerate, gentle, kind, patient, gracious, approachable, friendly, sociable, respectful, humble in speech, Not selfish, not proud/boastful/arrogant, not rude, not impatient, not harsh,
does not embarrass others in front of them, not critical or judgmental.
Hospitable = opening our homes to welcome new people and minister to their needs
§ Firstly opening of hearts to others – welcome, accept, respect, appreciate, refresh, serve, bless them
· Giving a warm handshake with a affirming smile to someone – especially new people
· Stopping to take time to talk, to ask about them, to get to know them, to be genuinely interested in them; asking if they need anything that you can help them with
· Looking at the interests of others to find out if they can join you for lunch; join your LG etc.
Able to teach = to do this, one has to know and experience the Word. There is no short cut.
On top of daily QT, one have to study the Word, take notes when others teach / preach,
attend classes, conferences, read books, listen to CDs, DVDs etc.
Always learning and growing and seeking to be an example to your students in every way especially in
DOING the Word!
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