Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Message by PS VOON
SCRIPTURE: 1 Pet 1:3 - 2:15

Acts 28:31 ….preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD & teaching the things which concern the LORD JESUS CHRIST…


The book of Acts ends abruptly with this verse which tells us that Paul continued preaching about God’s kingdom and teaching about Jesus.

The Kingdom of God is where Jesus rules as King and the Gospel of God is not just a passport to heaven but making Jesus KING of our lives, allowing Him to change and transform our lives.
1 Peter 1:9 - The end of your faith – the salvation of your souls.
This means transformation and sanctification of our lives. God wants to see our lives changed and transformed into the image of His Son, Jesus. (Rom 8:29)
There are many things our KING asked us to do and many things we know we should do as subjects of the KING. But often we choose the things that please ourselves rather than please our KING. We choose the path of least tension or resistance. We don’t want too much trouble.

3. LOOK AT THE DIAGRAM - not able to show diagram in here.

A. CREATION – God created us to rule and have dominion.
B. Because of SIN we lost our dominion. Instead there was SHAME, SEPARATION &
C. AT THE CROSS - Jesus, in His obedience to the Father, voluntarily took the shame, separation and suffering and won salvation for us. He is exalted to become the KING of the Kingdom of God.
D. THE WORK OF THE CROSS - restored to us the place of authority and dominion that God intended.
E. THE WAY OF THE CROSS – Jesus learnt obedience by the things which He suffered (Heb 5:8). No suffering = No Obedience. God calls us to follow Jesus by willingly choosing the way of the cross as in Luke 9:23; deny self, take up our cross daily to follow Jesus. We do this by voluntarily choosing to bear shame, separation and suffering. To bear the cross = to do God’s will = to suffer for doing right or for obeying God. This includes to love the lost, to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us, to make disciples, to do good, to pray, to fast etc.

a. not just to be saved from hell but to walk the WAY of the CROSS.
b. to rule our own lives, to be under His control, to do His will.
c. to fulfil the GREAT COMMISSION - to be fishers of men, to make disciples
d. to be DOERS and NOT TALKERS

Rom 8:17 – …joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we SUFFER WITH HIM then
Jam 1:12 – Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved; he will receive the CROWN OF LIFE which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

This is not the royal crown but the laurels for champions. Your obedience, effort, perseverance, sufferings will be rewarded by the Lord. If we do nothing, we will get nothing.

6. SIX THINGS WE CAN DO - 1 PET 1:3 – 2:15
In the passage we see 6 things that God calls us to be and to do

1. Pinpoint your target – Personal holiness (1:13-15)
2. Live like Pilgrims (1:17) This world is not our home, heaven is our home. Travellers travel light.
3. Be Passionate about the church (1:22). Love each other deeply. We are called to preach and live the Kingdom of God. We are to encourage, stir one another to follow Jesus, to suffer for Him in doing His will.
4. Purge yourself of all kinds of evil. (2:1-3)
5. Live like a Priest (2:9). Do what priests are supposed to do. Declare the praises of God, make known the knowledge and will of God, pray for people as representative of God. Be a priest everywhere NOT just in church.
6. Perform for every authority God has appointed over you (2:13-14). There are basically 4 areas of authority that we are to submit to - Family, Church, Work and Government. Joseph was a man with such a submissive spirit. He obeyed his father and was his father’s favourite. He obeyed Potiphar, the Prison chief and Pharoah and had great favour with them all.

Let us rise up to the call of God for transformation for sanctification to be more and more like Jesus so that we will rule with Him on earth, in all our circumstances and relationships. Let’s embrace the call of God to carry our cross to follow Jesus. Let’s embrace sufferings for Jesus for His Kingdom sake!

Comment on Heb 5:8 – Jesus had to learn obedience by the things he suffered. Do you agree that the measure of true obedience is our willingness to suffer for our obedience? Why?
Do we choose things that please ourselves or please Jesus?
Share some personal experiences of Shame, Separation and Sufferings that you experience in following Jesus and how it has changed your life
After going through the 6 points above share any particular point that especially challenges you and what you need to do to have victory in that area.

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