Thursday, September 15, 2011

An Episode at the Immigration Office

I had to renew my passport for travelling purposes and got my photos and a copy of my IC (Identity Card) ready. After I drove all the way there and parked my car, I realised that I forgot to bring my passport. Aya! I called Chin Nee to express my frustration. Anyway, I still went to the office get a form. And what a relief it was that I didn't have to join the queue of a huge crowd that was already there.

Two days later I went early to the office and this time I made doubly sure that I had everything that is needed. Even though I was early there was already a lot of people waiting. Once I got my number, I went to look for a seat and was surprised to find a front seat right in front of the Payment counter vacant.
After I got seated I noticed that a young man was seated next to me. I said hello and spark off a conversation with him asking him what time he arrived and where he was travelling to etc. He said that he came 30 minutes ago and there was already a lot of people.

We talked about many things and it was meaningful and interesting. The Lord led me to share some wise counsel to him as he just began his working life. Eventually I was led to share the Gospel with him. He was very open and even allowed me to pray for him and I prayed for him asking the Lord to bless him.

The amazing thing was that the Lord had him in His plan for me to meet him this time. That's why my earlier trip was not to be. I had to come back here on this day to meet him and to share Christ with him.

Also I noticed that as we talked, the moment I looked up to check if my number was called, my number popped up. First for payment and then for collecting the passport.

The 2 hours went by so quickly as we shared together and as I presented the Gospel to him.

When my number was called to collect my passport his number was not called yet. (Remember he came 30 minutes earlier). So as I went to collect my passport he followed me and he too collected his passport. Apparently he missed his number because he was listening to me!

Anyway I offered to send him to the LRT station as I discoverd that he doesn't have a car. I wasn't sure how to get to the station but he directed me and when I got there I discovered a new way to come back to Ampang which was much faster and shorter. (And I have been going the long way all this while). It is a wonderful testimony that when we give we will surely receive much more!

Looking back I was so encouraged to see that I was flowing with the Lord's wonderful sovereign plan.

So I must indeed give thanks always even when I seem to have forgotten somethings and went through some inconveniences.


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