Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Not Just Doing The Right Things

Haggai 2:10-19

How many of us have been told that we must do the right things?
Yes, that is absolutely true!
We can't be doing the wrong things and expect to be blessed by the Lord.

What are some right things we should be doing?
For men, it is to work.
For students it is to study.

For Christians the right thing to do is to go to church on Sundays, to join a Small Group, to serve etc.
These are all the right things to do.

But how many of us felt that even though we have been doing the right things we are not truly blessed and happy. We don't have the inner peace that we are truly fulfilled.

The truth is that we not only need to do the right things we need to do it with the right heart, with right motives; a heart of purity and love towards God and people.

In Haggai chapter 2, the people of God who have returned to Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity to rebuild the temple of God and the city, were doing the work. They were doing the right things.

BUT there was sin in their hearts. Haggai 2:14

Because of that they were not experiencing the blessings of God. The rain was still withheld and God's blessings were not their experience.

(Psa 24:3) Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place?
(Psa 24:4) He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.
(Psa 24:5) He will receive blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

However God promised them that when they set their hearts right, humbling themselves in confession for cleansing and having a repentant heart, from the very day they do that, from that day forward "I WILL BLESS YOU" even though the seeds are not sown yet and the fruit trees have not yielded its fruits. Haggai 2:19


If you feel that you are doing the right things but you are still not at peace, ask the Lord to search your heart to see if there is any wicked ways, any wrong motives or any sins lurking in it. Then be humble, confess your sins, get cleansed and get right with the Lord. He has promised that He will bless you from this day forward!


  1. TQVM, Pr. Khor!

    I believe that the only right thing to do is to follow what God told us to.

    The God's Word version of Luke 9:23 says : He said to all of them, "Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses every day, and follow me.

    And then the Good News Bible version of 1 Corr 15:58 says: So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord's service is ever useless.

    I'm blessed to have seen how when i follow His guidance [guidance = God, u and i dance, but u lead i'll follow] problems which APPEAR impossible to solve, gets solve so easily; i get warnings of impending danger and threats AND His wisdom guides my path.

    What more can a child ask of his/her Father? Medicine is usually bitter but it helps healing where as sweet stuff (remember the Turkish Delight in "Narnia") lead to danger, including diabetes...

    It's not always attractive to do the right things as earthly rewards seldom follow but in time His blessings do cause us to realise we did the right thing when we follow His counsel.

    Thank you for your (& HGC's) warmth & support even though i'm unable to be in HGC every week. This proves the foregoing.

    All glory to our Lord and Saviour. Amen


  2. Doing the right thing has always been a point in decision making. Is this the right thing to do? Or it is not?

    I've also learn that what seems right in people's eyes may not be right in God's eyes. As the story of Saul when God asked him to totally destroy the Amalekites (1 Sam 15) but he spared the best thing as he sees right.

    Ps, you have been a blessing to us as a church!

  3. Thank you for your comments.
    It is elightening and encouraging.
    Your experiences and perspectives are precious and powerful because it is your testimonies that overcomes the accuser's lies. Your lives prove that He is real and true!

  4. Good intention is not good enough. The 'right' thing we do must always rhyme with God's expressed will and purpose for believers. The 'Oxen' of human effort will always stumble.
