Pat Williams wrote a book with the title above. Pat is a Christian NBA Executive and leadership guru and he said,
"The best we can do for young people is to train them to be leaders."
His book has 3 parts:-
Part 1 - To build leaders, start early
Part 2 - The 7 keys to effective leadership
Part 3 - How to mentor and motivate
Amongst some things he said that's very enlightening and challenging:-
"I challenge everyone to take an active role in educating, encouraging, equipping and empowering young people to become leaders"
"Young people who are given leadership responsibility are rewarded with increased self-esteem and confidence that will carry them throughout their lives"
"I believe in giving young people a lot of opportunities to gain the experience of leadership"
"Everyone should be given a chance to lead in something. We should never assume that someone can't be a leader."
"The more chances they have to lead, the more their abilities and confidence will develop and grow"
"At the same time we give them opportunies to lead, we also need to give them training and instruction on how to lead so that they can improve their basic people skills, organisational skills and communication skills."
" We should approach every youngster with an attitude that says, " I believe in you. I know you can be a leader. Go out and lead, and I'll be here to help you and support you."
"Young people need to know that good leaders are important in their community - and there are great rewards for being a good leader"
"Leadership is not for the few; it is for everyone"
"We must operate on the assumption that every youth has the capacity for leadership in one way or another"
"Leadership is a set of learnable skills"
" Leadership is about empowering others to achieve the goals and vision of the team"
"People hate to be bossed. They loved to be inspired and motivated; in other words they love to be led"
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