Friday, March 11, 2011

The Lord Laughs

A couple of weeks back I met with this Pastor Fan (an American Chinese) and was touched by his radiant, joyful and friendly disposition. We had good fellowship over dinner and he had many wonderful and encouraging testimonies in his ministries in the different nations. Our Chinese congregation was blessed by his ministries with many testimonies of healings and transformations.

He shared with me that he looks in the mirror every morning and laughs and confesses who he is in Christ. He said he has experienced healing, health and greater well being and joy. The Bible says a merry heart does good like medicine. In fact a sorrowful heart dries up the bones. I wasn't sure if that is putting up a show. But he thinks it is faith in action. Jesus has won the victory! We are more than conquerous in Him!

I asked him how he does it and he said he will show me. When we got into my car to go back to the church for service, he held his two clenched first and gave a strong, long, laugh, "ha ha ha ha ha ha".

Well. I have looked up the Bible and indeed the command to rejoice, to sing for joy, to shout for joy are plenteous in the Bible.
Just read the Psalms. Also remember Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! Paul was writing this letter from prison and he exhorts the believers to rejoice always. I was reading Matt 28 a few days ago and was struck by the words of Jesus to the woman who came to the tomb to anoint His body. He was risen from the dead and He met the women and said, REJOICE! Matt 28:9

In Psalms we also read about God laughing over His enemies.

Ps 2: 4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them (enemies of god's people) in derision.

Ps 37:13 The Lord laughs at him (the wicked),
For He sees that his day (of judgment) is coming.

Ps 59:8 But You, O LORD, shall laugh at them;
You shall have all the nations in derision.

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Phil 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always.
Again I will say, rejoice!

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